Back to All Events Desert Reservoirs and Bennett Mountain Sunday, October 8, 2023 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Google Calendar ICS Lesser Goldfinch by Dondi Black This is a caravanning trip with multiple stops. We will travel a total of 160 miles. We'll visit the reservoirs off of Old Oregon Trail Road in Elmore County and then continue over Bennett Mountain to Highway 20 and out through Castle Rocks. registration and full event description
Desert Reservoirs and Bennett Mountain Sunday, October 8, 2023 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Google Calendar ICS Lesser Goldfinch by Dondi Black This is a caravanning trip with multiple stops. We will travel a total of 160 miles. We'll visit the reservoirs off of Old Oregon Trail Road in Elmore County and then continue over Bennett Mountain to Highway 20 and out through Castle Rocks. registration and full event description