Event Calendar
Osprey. Photo by Kurt Wecker/Audubon Photography Awards.
Upcoming Programs and Events
Golden Eagle Audubon Society offers monthly programs, field trips, and more!
Registration is required for field trips.
Explore the calendar or view our full list of events below.
Upcoming Events

Wednesday Birders: Cleo's Ferry Nature Trail
Join the Wednesday Birders at Cleo's Ferry Nature for an easy-paced afternoon stroll to look for birds

Birdfort at Kathryn Albertson Park
Join the Golden Eagle Audubon Society at Kathryn Albertson Park for a leisurely mid-morning birding stroll.

Scouting Out Golden Eagles and other Raptors
Join the Golden Eagle Audubon as we look for raptors near Celebration Park and Dedication Point.

Identifying Migratory Landbirds in Hulls Gulch
Terry Rich will explain how to tell similar species apart. This will be about plumage, behavior, and other identification cues, except song.

Accessible Birding: Hyatt Hidden Lakes
Join Golden Eagle Audubon for our accessible bird outing at Hyatt Hidden Lakes.

Dry Creek Bird Walk
Join Golden Eagle Audubon and the Dry Creek Historical Society for a peaceful bird walk from the Schick-Ostolasa Farmstead.

Wednesday Birding: Wilson Springs Ponds
Join the Wednesday Birders at Wilson Springs Ponds for an easy-paced afternoon stroll to look for birds.

Introduction to Birding Class
Learn the basics of bird identification with a focus on ten local birds.

RL's Desert Reservoir Hop
Join the Golden Eagle for a full day birding trip to find the migratory birds of our desert reservoirs.

Pause, Look & Listen: Idaho Shakespeare Festival Grounds
Come join Golden Eagle Audubon for a different kind of birding experience at the Idaho Shakespeare Festival Grounds.

Birding at Blacks Creek Bird Reserve
Join the Golden Eagle as we explore the area of Blacks Creek Bird Reserve to see what birds we can find.
Create a Bird Friendly Yard Class
You can protect birds by providing habitat in your yard. Learn about plants, water features and more in this class.

Banquet for Birds
This special, fundraising event includes featured speaker, author, and Emmy award winner Christian Cooper, a book signing, bird and nature-inspired silent and live auctions, a raffle, dinner, happy hour, and the joy of being together to support our work.

Beginner Bird Walk: Bethine Church River Trail
A beginner-friendly bird walk with golden Eagle Audubon along the Boise River.

All About Bird Feeders
In this class, you will learn about the types of feeders and bird food. Ten common feeder birds will be introduced.

Zoom Class for Members: Birding by Ear-Foothills Focus
Golden Eagle Audubon members can learn how to improve their skills at identifying the songs of birds found in the Boise foothills. Private field trips for registrants will be available for $20 tickets.

Introduction to Birding Class
Learn the basics of bird identification with a focus on ten local birds.

Spring Migration at Idaho Shakespeare Festival
Join leader RL to explore the Idaho Shakespeare Festival and learn about bird behavior during spring migration.

Birding by Ear Foothills Field Trip 1
Practice what you learned in Will's April 23 class during this field trip. This is a private field trip for registrants only.

Life on the Wing: Swallows, Swifts, and Nightjars
John Rakestraw introduces us to Idaho’s aerial insectivores. Cliff Swallow by Ken Miracle

Wednesday Birders: Spring Valley Creek Trail at Avimor
Join the Wednesday Birders at the Spring Valley Creek Trail at Avimor for an easy-paced afternoon stroll to look for birds.

Summer Warblers in Southwest Idaho
Learn about the tiny warblers that summer in southwest Idaho in this Boise Learns class. Yellow Warbler by Ken Miracle

Identifying Birds by Song I: Song Basics
Terry Rich will explain the basics of bird song, and how to use these building blocks to identify species and describe songs to others.

Field Trip: Camas Prairie-Centennial Marsh Wildlife Management Area
Join the Golden Eagle Audubon for a journey up to Camas Prairie - Centennial Marsh Wildlife Management Area in Camas County

Accessible Birding: Lucky Peak State Park
Join Golden Eagle Audubon for our accessible bird outing at Lucky Peak State Park!

Swallows and Swifts
This field trip is a companion to the April 28 Swallows, Swifts and Nightjars class taught by John Rakestraw and registration is limited to paid class registrants.
Spring Migrating Birds Class
Idaho welcomes many migrating birds in the spring. Learn what to expect and where to find them in this new class. Yellow-rumped Warbler by Louisa Evers
Create a Bird Friendly Yard Class
You can protect birds by providing habitat in your yard. Learn about plants, water features and more in this class.

You Can Prevent Window Collisions Zoom Class
Learn how to prevent bird window collisions from the American Bird Conservancy. Free Zoom class.

Hummingbirds of the Treasure Valley
Learn how to safely attract hummingbirds and how to identify them at your feeders and when you’re out and about.
Anna’s Hummingbird, Soo Baus, Audubon Photography Awards

Pause, Look & Listen: Idaho Shakespeare Festival Grounds
Come join Golden Eagle Audubon for a different kind of birding experience at the Idaho Shakespeare Festival Grounds.

Mother's Day Birding at the Discovery Unit in Lucky Peak State Park
Join Golden Eagle Audubon on a Mother's Day birding walk at the Discovery Unit in Lucky Peak State Park.

All About Bird Feeders
In this class, you will learn about the types of feeders and bird food. Ten common feeder birds will be introduced.

Wednesday Birders: Hull's Gulch Reserve
Join the Wednesday Birders at Hulls Gulch for an easy-paced stroll to look for birds.

Birding by Ear Foothills Field Trip 2
Practice what you learned in Will's April 23 class during this field trip. This is a private field trip for registrants only.

Spring Migration at Idaho Shakespeare Festival
Join leader RL to explore the Idaho Shakespeare Festival and learn about bird behavior during spring migration.

Beginner Bird Walk: Bethine Church River Trail
A beginner-friendly bird walk with Golden Eagle Audubon.

Field Trip: Prairie, Idaho
Join Golden Eagle Audubon for an all-day birding trip and visit the Hilda Larson Bluebird Trail in Prairie.

May Monthly Program
Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey NCA
Professional staff at the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area make many management decisions each year. The needs of many users, including birds, are considered. Bureau of Land Management Wildlife Biologist Joe Weldon will explain how competing needs are balanced and the important role the public plays.
Tuesday, May 20 at 6:30
BLM Regional Office, 3833 Development Ave, Boise
This program is free and everyone is welcome.

Travel Trip to East Idaho
Join us for 3-day, 2-night trip to bird in East Idaho. Space is limited.

Wednesday Birders: Marianne Williams Park
Join the Wednesday Birders at Marianne Williams Park for an easy-paced stroll to look for birds.

Field Trip: Montour/ High Valley
Journey up to Montour/High Valley with Golden Eagle Audubon for a chance to see migrating warblers, waterfowl and more.

Bluebirds of Idaho
Learn about the Bluebirds of Idaho from Terry Rich in this online class.

Wednesday Birders: Kingfisher Trail
Join the Wednesday Birders at Kingfisher Trail for an easy-paced stroll to look for birds.

Identifying Birds by Song II: Distinguishing Similar Species
Terry Rich will explain how to distinguish very similar and simple “songs” apart.

Bluebirds of Idaho
Join the Golden Eagle Audubon to look for Bluebirds at Bennett Mountain

Introduction to Birding Class
Learn the basics of bird identification with a focus on ten local birds.
Spring Migrating Birds Class
Idaho welcomes many migrating birds in the spring. Learn what to expect and where to find them in this new class. Yellow-rumped Warbler by Louisa Evers

Pause, Look & Listen: Idaho Shakespeare Festival Grounds
Come join Golden Eagle Audubon for a different kind of birding experience at the Idaho Shakespeare Festival Grounds.

Beginner Bird Walk: Bethine Church River Trail
A beginner-friendly bird walk with Golden Eagle Audubon.

Hummingbirds of the Treasure Valley
Learn how to safely attract hummingbirds and how to identify them at your feeders and when you’re out and about.
Anna’s Hummingbird, Soo Baus, Audubon Photography Awards

Wednesday Birders: Mores Creek and Robie Creek
Join the Wednesday Birders and Golden Eagle Audubon Society for a visit to Mores Creek and Robie Creek Parks.

Accessible Birding: Kathryn Albertson Park
Come join Golden Eagle Audubon on an accessible and inclusive walk within Kathryn Albertson Park

Camping Trip at Warm Lake
Explore the Warm Lake area in the Boise National Forest with Golden Eagle Audubon on this 3-day, 2-night camping and birding trip. Common Nighthawk by Linda Wentz.
Create a Bird Friendly Yard Class
You can protect birds by providing habitat in your yard. Learn about plants, water features and more in this class.

Summer Warblers in Southwest Idaho
Learn about the tiny warblers that summer in southwest Idaho in this Boise Learns class. Yellow Warbler by Ken Miracle

Field Trip to Bogus Basin
Terry Rich will lead a field trip that will meet at the upper lodge at Bogus Basin.

Birding by Ear Field Trip
Practice what you learned in Will's March 19 class during this field trip. This is a private field trip for registrants only.
Native Plant Grower Seed Pick Up
Grow native plants at your home for habitat restoration.

Birding the Boise River: Diane Moore Nature Center
Join Golden Eagle Audubon to explore the Diane Moore Nature Center and look for birds.

Avimor Spring Creek Trail Hike
Join the Golden Eagle Audubon as we hike around Spring Creek Trail of Avimor and look for birds.

Zoom Class for GEAS members: Birding by Ear
Golden Eagle Audubon members can learn how to improve their skills at identifying the songs of common birds of the Treasure Valley.
Spring Migrating Birds Class
Idaho welcomes many migrating birds in the spring. Learn what to expect and where to find them in this new class. Yellow-rumped Warbler by Louisa Evers

Sixty Years of Golden Eagle Research
Long-time Golden Eagle researcher Michael Kochert will introduce us to this huge raptor and present research findings.

Beginner Bird Walk: Bethine Church River Trail
A beginner-friendly bird walk with Golden Eagle Audubon.

Field Trip to Ted Trueblood, CJ Strike and Bruneau Dunes
Join us as we bird the areas of Ted Trueblood WMA, CJ Strike Reservoir and Bruneau Dunes State Park.

Wednesday Birders: Esther Simplot Park and Boise Greenbelt
Join the Wednesday Birders at Esther Simplot Park for an easy-paced afternoon stroll to look for birds.

Pause, Look & Listen: Idaho Shakespeare Festival Grounds
Come join Golden Eagle Audubon for a different kind of birding experience at the Idaho Shakespeare Festival Grounds.

Trip to Fort Boise WMA
Join us for a daytrip to bird at Fort Boise WMA where we'll hopefully be able to watch the Snow Geese migration.

Spring Migration! Waterfowl and Shorebirds
Terry Rich will present a program on how to identify waterfowl and shorebirds that can be found around Boise.

Hummingbirds of the Treasure Valley Community Education Class
Learn to identify Idaho’s hummingbirds and attract them to your yard. Photo by @life+wild

Birding in Barber Park
Join the Golden Eagle to explore the trails of Barber Park and to see what birds we can find.

Bird Photography at Kathryn Albertson Park
Join the Golden Eagle Audubon for a special outing to look for birds and work on our photography.
Wednesday Birders: Eagle Island State Park
Join the Wednesday Birders at Eagle Island State Park for an easy-paced afternoon stroll to look for winter birds.

Birds of Boise County
Learn about bird migration and the birds that come to and thru Garden Valley.
Native Plant Grower Seed Pick Up
Grow native plants at your home for habitat restoration.

Winter Birding at Blacks Creek Reserve
Join the Golden Eagle as we explore the area of Blacks Creek Bird Reserve to see what winter birds we can find.
Hulls Gulch Walk-About
Join the Golden Eagle Audubon as we explore the area of Hulls Gulch, looking for birds.

All About Bird Feeders
In this class, you will learn about the types of feeders and bird food. Ten common feeder birds will be introduced.

Insects in Decline
Insects are, by far, the most biodiverse organism on the planet. Are our six-legged friends in trouble? Sierra Laverty, will take us on a bug's-eye journey of threats that face insects in the 21st century.

Beginner Bird Walk: Bethine Church River Trail
A beginner-friendly bird walk with Golden Eagle Audubon.

Field Trip to Ted Trueblood, C J Strike and Bruneau Dunes
Come join the Golden Eagle Audubon Society on a classic caravanning field trip. We will explore Ted Trueblood WMA, then make a few stops at CJ Strike Reservoir before going to Bruneau Dunes State Park.

2025 Great Backyard Bird Count
Everyone can participate in this world-wide bird count event.

Wednesday Birders: Garden City Greenbelt
Join the Wednesday Birders at the Garden City Greenbelt for an easy-paced afternoon stroll to look for winter birds.

Introduction to Birding Community Education Class
Learn the basics of bird identification with a focus on ten local birds.

Pause, Look and Listen: Idaho Shakespeare Festival Grounds
Join Golden Eagle Audubon for a different kind of birding experience. Our "Pause, Look & Listen" series incorporates a mindful birding approach to observing birds and being in nature.