Event Calendar
Osprey. Photo by Kurt Wecker/Audubon Photography Awards.
Upcoming Programs and Events
Golden Eagle Audubon Society offers monthly programs, field trips, and more!
Registration is required for field trips.
Explore the calendar or view our full list of events below.
Upcoming Events

Introduction to Birding Class
Learn the basics of bird identification with a focus on ten local birds.
Create a Bird Friendly Yard Class
You can protect birds by providing habitat in your yard. Learn about plants, water features and more in this class.

All About Bird Feeders
In this class, you will learn about the types of feeders and bird food. Ten common feeder birds will be introduced.

Zoom Class for Members: Birding by Ear-Foothills Focus
Golden Eagle Audubon members can learn how to improve their skills at identifying the songs of birds found in the Boise foothills. Private field trips for registrants will be available for $20 tickets.

Introduction to Birding Class
Learn the basics of bird identification with a focus on ten local birds.

Life on the Wing: Swallows, Swifts, and Nightjars
John Rakestraw introduces us to Idaho’s aerial insectivores. Cliff Swallow by Ken Miracle

Summer Warblers in Southwest Idaho
Learn about the tiny warblers that summer in southwest Idaho in this Boise Learns class. Yellow Warbler by Ken Miracle
Spring Migrating Birds Class
Idaho welcomes many migrating birds in the spring. Learn what to expect and where to find them in this new class. Yellow-rumped Warbler by Louisa Evers
Create a Bird Friendly Yard Class
You can protect birds by providing habitat in your yard. Learn about plants, water features and more in this class.

You Can Prevent Window Collisions Zoom Class
Learn how to prevent bird window collisions from the American Bird Conservancy. Free Zoom class.

Hummingbirds of the Treasure Valley
Learn how to safely attract hummingbirds and how to identify them at your feeders and when you’re out and about.
Anna’s Hummingbird, Soo Baus, Audubon Photography Awards

All About Bird Feeders
In this class, you will learn about the types of feeders and bird food. Ten common feeder birds will be introduced.

Bluebirds of Idaho
Learn about the Bluebirds of Idaho from Terry Rich in this online class.

Introduction to Birding Class
Learn the basics of bird identification with a focus on ten local birds.
Spring Migrating Birds Class
Idaho welcomes many migrating birds in the spring. Learn what to expect and where to find them in this new class. Yellow-rumped Warbler by Louisa Evers

Hummingbirds of the Treasure Valley
Learn how to safely attract hummingbirds and how to identify them at your feeders and when you’re out and about.
Anna’s Hummingbird, Soo Baus, Audubon Photography Awards
Create a Bird Friendly Yard Class
You can protect birds by providing habitat in your yard. Learn about plants, water features and more in this class.

Summer Warblers in Southwest Idaho
Learn about the tiny warblers that summer in southwest Idaho in this Boise Learns class. Yellow Warbler by Ken Miracle

Field Trip to Bogus Basin
Terry Rich will lead a field trip that will meet at the upper lodge at Bogus Basin.

Zoom Class for GEAS members: Birding by Ear
Golden Eagle Audubon members can learn how to improve their skills at identifying the songs of common birds of the Treasure Valley.
Spring Migrating Birds Class
Idaho welcomes many migrating birds in the spring. Learn what to expect and where to find them in this new class. Yellow-rumped Warbler by Louisa Evers

Hummingbirds of the Treasure Valley Community Education Class
Learn to identify Idaho’s hummingbirds and attract them to your yard. Photo by @life+wild

Birds of Boise County
Learn about bird migration and the birds that come to and thru Garden Valley.

All About Bird Feeders
In this class, you will learn about the types of feeders and bird food. Ten common feeder birds will be introduced.

Introduction to Birding Community Education Class
Learn the basics of bird identification with a focus on ten local birds.

The Breeding Bird Survey by Terry Rich
Terry Rich will give a presentation on the Breeding Bird Survey

Winter Ducks of the Treasure Valley Community Education Class
Learn tips and strategies for finding winter ducks throughout the Treasure Valley and identifying them by sight and sound.
Hope Is The Thing With Feathers
Award-winning author Christopher Cokinos will share stories from his book, Hope Is The Thing With Feathers: A Personal Chronicle of Vanished Birds, for this special monthly program.
Extinct Carolina Parakeet etching

Winter Ducks of the Treasure Valley
Learn tips and strategies for finding winter ducks throughout the Treasure Valley and identifying them by sight and sound.

Birds that Winter in the Boise Area but Don’t Visit Feeders
Terry Rich speaks about cool birds that don’t visit your winter feeders.
Burrowing Owls by Ken Miracle

What Bird Is That? Tips for Bird ID In the Field
John Rakestraw provides tips on what to quickly look for when you see a new bird.
Hooded Warbler by Ken Miracle
Population Monitoring – The Christmas Bird Count
Terry Rich explains the importance of the Audubon Christmas Bird Count and how to get involved.
Winter Birds of Boise Basin
Learn about winter birds of the Boise Basin with Golden Eagle Audubon.

Winter Ducks of the Treasure Valley
Winter ducks are arriving in the Treasure Valley. Learn how to identify them and where to find them.

Introduction to Birding
Learn the basics of bird identification with a focus on ten local birds.
Create a Bird Friendly Yard
You can protect birds by providing habitat in your yard. Learn about plants, water features and more in this class. Register with Boise Community Education.

Birding in Venezuela
Terry Rich takes us on an armchair adventure to the Venezuelan Amazon.

Introduction to Birding
Our Introduction to Birding class is for beginners and those wanting to improve their identification skills. This class is offered by Boise Community Education and registration is required. Say’s Phoebe by Louisa Evers

Shorebird Identification Class
Shorebirds are in migration now, so take this online class with John Rakestraw to learn how to identify them in the field. A companion field trip will be Sept. 7 (optional and spots are limited). Avocet by Linda Wentz

Flycatcher ID Class with Heidi Ware Carlisle
Learn how to identify Idaho flycatchers in this Golden Eagle Audubon member-only online class.

Hummingbirds of the Treasure Valley
Learn to identify Idaho’s hummingbirds and to attract them to your yard. Photo by @life+wild

Hummingbirds of the Treasure Valley
Learn to identify Idaho’s hummingbirds and to attract them to your yard. Photo by @life+wild

Discover the Prairie Falcon
Learn about the Prairie Falcon from Raptor Biology student and falcon researcher Zoe Bonerbo.

Identifying Birds by Song Part 2
Terry Rich teaches how to distinguish one bird song from another.

Create a Bird-Friendly Yard
Improve the bird habitat in your yard with plants and other features.

Create a Bird-Friendly Yard
You can protect birds by providing habitat in your yard or patio. Learn about plants, water features, and more in this class.

Ravens, Crows, Magpies and Jays: The World of Corvids
Learn about the fascinating corvid family from expert John Rakestraw in this zoom class.
Spring Migrating Birds
Idaho welcomes many migrating birds in the spring. Learn what to expect and where to find them in this new class. Yellow-rumped Warbler by Louisa Evers