Event Calendar
Osprey. Photo by Kurt Wecker/Audubon Photography Awards.
Upcoming Programs and Events
Golden Eagle Audubon Society offers monthly programs, field trips, and more!
Registration is required for field trips.
Explore the calendar or view our full list of events below.
Upcoming Events

You Can Prevent Window Collisions Zoom Class
Learn how to prevent bird window collisions from the American Bird Conservancy. Free Zoom class.

May Monthly Program
Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey NCA
Professional staff at the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area make many management decisions each year. The needs of many users, including birds, are considered. Bureau of Land Management Wildlife Biologist Joe Weldon will explain how competing needs are balanced and the important role the public plays.
Tuesday, May 20 at 6:30
BLM Regional Office, 3833 Development Ave, Boise
This program is free and everyone is welcome.
Monthly Program - Costa Rica Birding
Join us for our Monthly Program and enjoy photos and stories from the Golden Eagle Audubon travel adventure in Costa Rica. Dean Jones will take you into the jungles and into the mountains to introduce some of the hundreds of birds the group saw. It’s free and everyone is welcome.

Sixty Years of Golden Eagle Research
Long-time Golden Eagle researcher Michael Kochert will introduce us to this huge raptor and present research findings.

Insects in Decline
Insects are, by far, the most biodiverse organism on the planet. Are our six-legged friends in trouble? Sierra Laverty, will take us on a bug's-eye journey of threats that face insects in the 21st century.

The Miracle on Palmyra
Matt Miller will share the story of the incredible ecological success on Palmyra atoll at our November Monthly Program.
October Monthly Program - Boise River ReWild
Celebrate the amazing work done by hundreds of volunteers at our Boise River ReWild habitat restoration project.

State of the Great Salt Lake
Join Katie Newburn from Friends of Great Salt Lake to learn about the ecological crisis facing this unique ecosystem.
Camas National Wildlife Refuge
Learn about the Camas National Wildlife Refuge in Jefferson County, Idaho.
Idaho Big Year with Linda Wentz
Hear stories and see photos from Linda Wentz’s Idaho Big Year. Wilson’s Phalarope by Linda Wentz

State of Raptors of the World
Our monthly program features Dr. Chris McClure from The Peregrine fund.
January Monthly Program
Protecting Birds Through Riparian Habitat Restoration on the Boise River.

Grasshoppers and Mormon Crickets - Valuable Bird Prey or Virulent Pests?
Why is the US government spending millions to kill grasshoppers and Mormon Crickets in Idaho and other states? Attend this free presentation with Sharon Selvaggio of the XERCES Society to learn about this controversial program.

Birds that Winter in the Boise Area but Don’t Visit Feeders
Join Terry Rich for his monthly program at the Foothills Learning Center.

Birds of Costa Rica with Louisa Evers
Armchair travel and be wowed by the incredible birds of Costa Rica. Stripe-headed Sparrow by Louisa Evers.
Bats of Idaho - Ecology and Conservation
Dr. Rita Dixon from Idaho Fish and Game will talk about the ecology and conservation of bats.

Monthly Program - Report from Lucky Peak
Bird bander Lucian Davis will share the latest on Intermountain Bird Observatory’s bird banding on Lucky Peak.

Identifying Birds by Song II: Distinguishing Similar Species with Terry Rich
This will build on the May session on bird song basics to look more carefully at similar species’ songs.

A Cultural History of Hummingbirds
Professor Noah Comet will explain how hummingbirds evolved from a bloodthirsty deity into a transatlantic metaphor and commodity.
Monthly Program: All About Tricolored Blackbirds
We’re having our May Monthly Program on Tricolored Blackbirds with two special guests from California, Ian Souza-Cole from Audubon California and researcher Dr. Emilie Graves.

Identifying Birds by Song I: Song Basics with Terry Rich
Join Terry Rich for his monthly program at the Foothills Learning Center.
Birds of Botswana with Marian Herz
Lilac-breasted Roller by Marian Herz
Take a journey to Africa with Marian Herz at our April Monthly program.
Marian will take us to the Okavango Delta in Botswana, a natural wetland where one can see water birds as well as birds that prefer a dryer habitat. We'll first visit Moremi Game Reserve, followed by Khwai Reserve. We'll then move on to Savuti in the western part of Chobe National Park. This area is more wild, with fewer tourists than the better known Chobe River. We'll also visit the Chobe River, with numerous species of water birds. The trip ends in Kafue National Park in Zambia, where we'll see a few different species of birds. View numerous species of Botswana birds and learn about the behaviors of some of them.
This is a free public program open to everyone. Please use the doors on the south side of the building, not the front doors.

Identifying Migratory Landbirds in Hulls Gulch with Terry Rich
Join Terry Rich for his monthly program at the Foothills Learning Center.

Stop the Thunk - Preventing Bird Window Collisions Zoom Class
Learn how to prevent bird window collisions from Kaitlyn Parkins of American Bird Conservancy. Free Zoom class.

Spring Migration! Waterfowl and Shorebirds with Terry Rich
Join Terry Rich for his monthly program at the Foothills Learning Center.

The Breeding Bird Survey with Terry Rich
Join Terry Rich for his monthly program at the Foothills Learning Center.
Monthly Program - IDF&G Wildlife Management Areas
Learn about Idaho’s wildlife management areas.

Winter Ranges and Bird Conservation with Terry Rich
Join Terry Rich for his monthly program at the Foothills Learning Center.

Winter Birds That Don’t Visit Feeders
Join Terry Rich for his monthly program at the Foothills Learning Center.

Monthly Program: Birds of India with Terry Rich
The lowlands and Himalayan foothills of northeast India are highly-prized destinations for birders. Terry will share photos and stories from his April 2022 trip.

Population Monitoring – The Christmas Bird Count
Join Terry Rich for his monthly program at the Foothills Learning Center.
Monthly Program: Birds of Arizona and Nevada with Marian Herz
Marian Herz travels the world capturing wonderful images of the places and birds she encounters. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience birds of Arizona and Nevada with renown photographer Marian.

Marina Richie - Halcyon Journey
Marina Richie will read from her book Halcyon Journey. For all who love birds or simply seek solace in nature, Halcyon Journey is an inviting introduction to the mythic and mysterious belted kingfisher.