Terry Rich.
Where do “our” migratory birds spend the winter? What are Neotropical Migrants and what is full life cycle conservation? Learn about conservation issues and opportunities in Mexico, Central, and South America. We’ll also look at how to tell some species apart, should you travel to Mexico in winter, where our species share habitat with similar species that are residents there.
Location: Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Rd, Boise, ID 83702, USA (map)
Registration: Optional. You can register through the City of Boise Parks and Rec website or by calling 208-608-7680.
This free birding program is great for experienced and novice birders alike. Terry Rich, our local ornithologist, provides information and tips on birds in the Boise area and beyond! Come to one or all sessions! Bird books and binoculars are available to borrow.
After the presentation, join Terry Rich for beginner-friendly birding around the Foothills Learning Center. Binoculars will be available to borrow.
Please note this is not a Golden Eagle Audubon event.