Golden Eagle Blog
Song Sparrow. Photo by Mick Thompson.

Funding Bird Conservation
Guest Blogger Terry Rich explains how priorities for bird conservation funding are made and the importance of international cooperation. Flammulated Owl by Thompson-Nicola Conservation Collaborative.

They Of the Golden Eye
Guest Blogger Debbie Wiggins introduces two favorite winter ducks, the Common Goldeneye and Barrow’s Goldeneye.

Anglers #LeaveItBetter and Protect Birds
Boise Valley Fly Fishers leader George Butts writes about local efforts to reduce fishing line trash that can injure or kill birds including the collection tube they designed and installed.

Paint-by-Number Duck
What duck eats acorns and climbs trees? Guest Blogger Debbie Wiggins introduces us to the Wood Duck.
Photo by Dondi Black
Everyone’s a Winner
The 2025 Winter Bird Challenge results are in and the awards presented. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Idaho’s Ancient Bird
Guest Blogger Sydney Meng introduces us to Idaho’s dinosaur, the Sandhill Crane, and explains their evolutionary journey.
Sandhill Cranes by Linda Wentz
2025 Winter Bird Challenge
Follow the action in the 2025 Winter Bird Challenge. Grey-crowned Rosy-finch by Sean Pursley

Thrush On the Move
Wow, a Hermit Thrush here in the winter. Maybe it’s not as uncommon as it used to be. Terry Rich digs into the data and shares his findings in his latest Golden Eagle Blog. Hermit Thrush by Terry Rich.

What tha’ bill?
The low-floating, non-quacking Ruddy Duck is a local favorite. Guest Blogger Debbie Wiggins introduces this duck with the amazing bill. Photo by Ken Miracle.

2024 Boise Christmas Bird Count
Photos and thanks from the 2024 Boise Christmas Bird Count
Song Sparrow. Cindy Sedlacek/Audubon Photography Awards.
The Golden Eagle
Print Newsletter Archive
In 2021 GEAS reformatted our regularly printed newsletter, The Golden Eagle, to better serve our community. Now, twice-monthly E-News provides timely information on events, engagement opportunities, and action items. Please sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date.
Below is an archive of prior editions of The Golden Eagle print newsletter. We wish to extend our thanks to Niels Nokkentved for his many years of service in editing the newsletter and to Crista Videriksen Worthy for her wonderful article contributions.