About the Golden Eagle Audubon Academy
The Golden Eagle Audubon Academy is our volunteer preparation program. Many of our volunteer responsibilities require an orientation, training, or supervised practice including speaking to groups, teaching classes, leading field trips, serving on the Board of Directors and organizing community science events like the Christmas Bird Count. The Academy will provide a variety of programs throughout the year to ensure that everyone has the opportunity for a rewarding volunteer experience.
Summer 2024 Class - Field Trip Leader
Golden Eagle Audubon field trips are in high demand, especially our beginning birding trips. We’d like to offer field trips in more locations throughout the Treasure Valley and more specialty trips, including for youth and multi-day trips.
Field Trip Trainees receive a basic orientation on June 30 and sign up to shadow field trip leaders, then co-lead. Student leaders will be invited to attend two peer learning sessions to ask questions and share insights. With approval of a Field Trip Leader, student leaders can lead their own trips after co-leading two or three.
We are offering the training for free, but we ask each student to commit to lead or co-lead eight field trips in 2024/25..
Space is limited to 8 people and Golden Eagle Audubon members are given priority.
Need more information? Please contact us if you have questions about this class.
Orientation Details
When: June 30, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Where: Zoom
Future training and meetings will be scheduled.
Cost: Commitment to lead/co-lead eight trips in 2024/25.
The class includes:
Field trips from start to finish
Review of GEAS’ Field Trip Leader Handbook
Sign up for training trips