Golden Eagle Blog
Song Sparrow. Photo by Mick Thompson.
Welcome Back Mountain Bluebird
Guest Blogger Bhavana Padiyath introduces us to the iconic Mountain Bluebird in her most recent blog.
Photo: Dondi Black
2024 Winter Bird Challenge Winners
The 2024 Winter Bird Challenge final results and photos.
Up Close With Bird Buddy
Golden Eagle Guest Blogger Terry Rich got a new birding toy for Christmas - Bird Buddy. Read his review.
Are Fox Squirrels Hurting our Bird Populations?
Golden Eagle Guest Blogger Terry Rich explores the impact fox squirrels are having on local bird populations.
How the Endangered Species Act Saves Birds
The Endangered Species Act turns 50 on December 28. Guest Blogger Terry Rich explores what it’s done for birds.
Bald Eagle by Ted Corporandy
Birding with Kids
Whether you’re an experienced birder or interested in starting, if you want to enjoy this lifetime activity with your kids, grandkids or other young people, Jacob’s 25-minute Birding With Kids class is where you should start.
The Heart of the Christmas Count
Carter Strope reflects on the huge impact of the Christmas Bird Count, an impact the participants of the first 25 counts in December 1900 could hardly have anticipated.
New Bird Names Coming
Many birds we find in Idaho will get new names following the American Ornithological Society’s decision to rename birds named after people. Terry sets the stage for us to think about new names for many of our favorite Idaho birds. Steller’s Jay by Krispen Hartung
Plague or Prey?
Are grasshoppers valuable bird prey or virulent pests? Sharon Selvaggio, Xerces Society Pesticide Program Specialist, examines the US aerial pesticide spraying program.
Coming Together For the Birds
Carter Strope reflects on the camaraderie of the annual Christmas Bird Count.
The Golden Eagle
Print Newsletter Archive
In 2021 GEAS reformatted our regularly printed newsletter, The Golden Eagle, to better serve our community. Now, twice-monthly E-News provides timely information on events, engagement opportunities, and action items. Please sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date.
Below is an archive of prior editions of The Golden Eagle print newsletter. We wish to extend our thanks to Niels Nokkentved for his many years of service in editing the newsletter and to Crista Videriksen Worthy for her wonderful article contributions.