Willow Flycatcher by Ken Miracle
Have you ever sat staring at a flycatcher waiting for it to call? Or entered a bunch of "empidonax sp." on your eBird checklist?
This is probably one of the most tricky genuses to identify in the field, but after the tips and tricks learned in this class, you'll be ahead of the pack! Join Heidi Ware Carlisle to learn about Idaho's 6 common empidonax flycatcher species. Learn how to use key empid field marks like primary projection and lower mandible color. Practice auditory ID, then visit the Intermountain Bird Observatory Lucky Peak research station to see some empids up close during IBOs fall migration banding project. There are limited spots on the field trip, so sign up soon if you're interested.
Heidi Ware Carlisle has an MS in Biology from Boise State University and works for the Intermountain Bird Observatory. As Education Director Heidi coordinates the Boise River Research Station, conducts field trips, and teaches courses.
This class will be geared to the intermediate to advanced birder.
The class will be August 15, 6-8 pm on Zoom. The class fee is $20 for GEAS members and $30 for others.
Contact lpaul@goldeneagleaudubon.org with questions.