Golden Eagle Blog
Song Sparrow. Photo by Mick Thompson.

The Odd Duck
The American Wigeon is, indeed, an odd duck. Learn why in Debbie Wiggins’ latest Winter Ducks blog. Photo by Ken Miracle

Home For the Holidays
Golden Eagle Audubon Board Member Abby Urbanek reflects on the importance of habitat conservation after returning from the Peruvian Amazon where she learned about macaws that are losing their homes.

Exquisite Hoodie
The crest is exquisite and the hunting powers amazing. Guest blogger Debbie Wiggins introduces us to the Hooded Merganser. Photo by Linda Wentz.

Bird Habitat Burned In Valley Fire
The Valley Fire burned a huge area of important bird habitat in the Boise Front. Guest blogger Nicholas Niendorf talks with Heidi Ware Carlise from the Intermountain Bird Observatory and Ann Moser from Idaho Fish and Game about the damage and the plan for restoration.
Photo by Brian Rodenspiel

Round and Round and Round
If it has a green head it must be a Mallard. Guest Blogger Debbie Wiggins introduces the “other” green head and explains how to recognize the Northern Shoveler.
Photo by Ken Miracle

Little Duck. Big Head.
Guest Blogger Debbie Wiggins introduces us to the smallest diving duck in North America.
Bufflehead by Louisa Evers

…..just another Mallard?
Guest Blogger Debbie Wiggins makes the case that the Mallard may be common, but it’s not ordinary.
Mallard by Linda Wentz

The Most Excellent Turkey
A lot of turkey is eaten at Thanksgiving. Guest blogger Terry Rich introduces us to the North American wild turkey, that you might just see in your neighborhood. Photo by Ken Miracle

Mixed Species Foraging Flocks
Terry Rich shares where to find a special fall wonder -flocks of mixed species foraging together. Photo by Terry Rich

What’s All This Fuss About Wildlife Habitat?
Wildlife Ecologist Chuck Blair takes a deep dive into shade-grown coffee explaining how you can save birds with every sip.
Song Sparrow. Cindy Sedlacek/Audubon Photography Awards.
The Golden Eagle
Print Newsletter Archive
In 2021 GEAS reformatted our regularly printed newsletter, The Golden Eagle, to better serve our community. Now, twice-monthly E-News provides timely information on events, engagement opportunities, and action items. Please sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date.
Below is an archive of prior editions of The Golden Eagle print newsletter. We wish to extend our thanks to Niels Nokkentved for his many years of service in editing the newsletter and to Crista Videriksen Worthy for her wonderful article contributions.