Golden Eagle Blog
Song Sparrow. Photo by Mick Thompson.

What’s All This Fuss About Wildlife Habitat?
Wildlife Ecologist Chuck Blair urges us to take action to protect the insect habitat around our homes in the second part of his What’s All This Fuss About Wildlife Habitat. Praying Mantis by Ceredig Roberts.
K thru Gray Education for Bird Conservation
Heidi Ware Carlisle shares her vision of community engagement in bird research in this Guest Blog by Sydney Meng.

The Life of a Raptor Researcher
Zoe Bonerbo is a raptor researcher currently studying Prairie Falcons. Sydney Meng interviews Zoe to learn about her work.

The Wondrous Water Ouzel
Terry Rich introduces us to the Idaho bird that John Muir called, “the mountain streams’ own darling.” Photo by Ceredig Roberts

The Great Salt Lake’s Window of Opportunity
The Great Salt Lake is critical to millions and millions of migrating birds, but it’s at risk of collapse because of unreliable water supplies. Guest blogger Nicholas Niendorf interviews experts and lays out the challenging reality.

Idaho’s Migratory Shorebirds
Sydney Meng blogs about shorebirds that rest in Idaho during their long migration. Spotted Sandpiper by Ken Miracle
World Migratory Bird Day
Many of our beloved birds are migratory. Learn what they need from us and celebrate World Migratory Bird Day. By Terry Rich. Hermit Thrush by Linda Wentz

What’s All This Fuss About Wildlife Habitat?
Wildlife Ecologist Chuck Blair kicks off a series of blogs about wildlife habitat with a look at the basic elements of habitat.

Signs of Spring!
Guest Blogger Terry Rich teaches us how to use bird song and behavior to know that it’s spring time. Hooded Mergansers by Ken Miracle
The Wonder of Snow Geese
The Snow Geese are back at Fort Boise WMA, and Golden Eagle Guest Blogger Bhavana Padiyath introduces us to these amazing birds. Snow Geese photo by Jim James.
Song Sparrow. Cindy Sedlacek/Audubon Photography Awards.
The Golden Eagle
Print Newsletter Archive
In 2021 GEAS reformatted our regularly printed newsletter, The Golden Eagle, to better serve our community. Now, twice-monthly E-News provides timely information on events, engagement opportunities, and action items. Please sign up for the email newsletter to stay up to date.
Below is an archive of prior editions of The Golden Eagle print newsletter. We wish to extend our thanks to Niels Nokkentved for his many years of service in editing the newsletter and to Crista Videriksen Worthy for her wonderful article contributions.